Complete the nomination entry form online or manual.
Submitting a Pre Nomination is Easy and Simpler.Kindly follow the steps as outline below:-
- Complete the nomination entry form online or manual. (Pre Nomination form contains the three stages: Primary Stage, Secondary Stage & Payment Stage)
- Upload your submission with relevant documents or evidence of achievements or any other or you may submit in hard copy at our office in sealed envelop which marked as “Tourism Summit & Awards 2023 – Nomination” & concern Category.
- Pay the entry (nomination fees) through online / off line e.g. by Cheque / DD / Cash.
- Successful Submitted & you will receive the confirmation email of your nomination application.
Who can enter?
The Tourism Awards are open to any organization or individuals involved in travel and tourism in any part of the Gujarat & Diu, no matter how large or small the scale of operation. Details of which specific types of organization and individuals are eligible to enter each of the categories are set out in the nomination form with categorize and its sub categorize. Or more information about the categories visit
Eligibility period
Entries for the Tourism Summit & Awards 2023 must relate to projects, products, initiatives or activities carried out from last 1 years till current date. You can refer to prior periods, if it helps the judges to understand the activity in context, but entries will not be judged on past glories and achievements.
Please note that any of the franchisee agency wants to apply, that application must be under the name of owner / agent who is running the agency as it will be entitled along with his / her “Certificate of Registration” / “Gumasta Dhara” from Government. The nomination / application will be accepted on the basis of that registration evidence of the company.
Entry (Nomination Fees) fees Non Refundable & Non Transferable
To nominate Tourism Summit & Awards 2023, you will need to pay the entry (Nomination) fee INR 5000 + Service Tax for each entry you make. You will pay for your entries at the time of entry online/offline.
Special Case: If any international hotel chain wants to apply for the nomination & if they need to get the nomination fees from their respective authority approval, it will allow them to nominate themselves with nomination form and kindly mention the note about the special case of payment approval from your respective corporate office, once you will get it, you can submit in the form of Cheque / DD / Net Banking/ Cash, but it must be submit before the 30 days prior to award ceremony evening.
What does the entry fee cover?
The entry fee covers the administrative costs involved in checking entries and the bonafide of the organizations that enter; collecting all entries; convening the judging panels; supervising the judging process and events; administrating the voting procedure; compiling the shortlist of finalists and the awards presentation materials.
Entry confirmation to the award ceremony for 2 persons with Dinner. Each entry must be paid separately and will incur a fee.
How to pay
Online –
Offline – Cash/Cheque/DD/Net Banking
Multiple entries
Organisation/Individual may also submit multiple separate entries into a single category where they have more than one project or initiative they wish to nominate. Each entry of nomination entitled for the fee. Multiple entries will not be consider in single fee.
Help Judges to Evaluate Your Nomination
Within your submission you must use the following as sub-headings under which you clearly provide your explanation for the judges:
- Aims – what did the organization, product, service, or the initiative or campaign set out to do?
- Strategy –what strategic thinking came into play to help achieve the aims?
- Innovation/enterprise/creativity (marketing) – what intrepid solutions were employed?
- Implementation – how was the strategy and thinking implemented?
- Feedback summary from users, including most preferred aspects of the activity.
Entries are judged and awards conferred by the members of Judging Panel.
The decision of the Judges in relation to any dispute about the Rules, conduct, results and all other matters relating to the Competition is final and organizer will not enter into correspondence.
Employees of the Organizer, or any of their subsidiary and associated companies, agents or members of their families or households, are not eligible to enter the Competition. This does not exclude employees of the sponsor and their subsidiary and associated companies who are eligible to enter the competition.
The Judges reserves the right to disqualify the nomination if they have reasonable grounds to believe that you have breached any of the Rules.
The Judges reserves the right to disqualify you even a single nomination received in respected category.
It is strictly forbidden for Participants to attempt to influence or offend the jury before, during or after the Event. Such cases lead to disqualification, annulment of given awards and prohibition for participation at future editions of the Event.
Decision of judges is final and binding on all matters relating to this.
Official rules of public voting For Tourism Awards
By participating in the voting of the Tourism Awards , each voting participant agrees to be bound by the official competition rules.
Voting is limited to one vote per verified email address and phone number. If any company/Organization/Individuals receive irregular votes or multiple votes from the same user or users, including but not limited to, votes generated by a robotic, programmed, script, macro, other automated means or other source, Tourism Awards Gujarat reserves the right to disqualify nomination of respected company/Organization/Individuals in its sole discretion from public voting.
The Organizer with sole concern of Tourism Awards Committee & judges reserve the right to make changes to the present General Terms and Conditions at any time, publishing in a timely manner such changes on the Website.